Part 1
- Music is a type of language that transmits ideas through sound patterns. There are many similarities with our spoken languages. Like a sentence, a melody has a beginning, middle, and end. Tunes can act as a bridge between cultures when language fails us, tunes can inspire patrotizm, hope, they can express love, loss.
- A pentatonic scale is a musical scale with five notes per octave in contrast to a heptatonic (seven note) scale such as the major scale and minor scale. Pentatonic scales are very common and are found all over the world.
- The names are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
- There are 13 notes in the western scale. The number of notes is not the same in different cultures?
- "pitch" is the particular tonal standard with which given tonesmay be compared in respect to their relative level. Высота звука.
- "interval"-An interval is the distance between two notes. Intervals are always counted from the lower note to the higher one, with the lower note being counted as one. Intervals come in different qualities and size. If the notes are sounded successively, it is a melodic interval. If sounded simultaneously, then it is a harmonic interval (интервал, пауза) "semitone"-The letters of the alphabet are separated by tones and semitones.E to F is a semitone. Twice a semitone is a tone.F to G is a tone. The alphabet is not equidistant (полутон) "whole tone"-is a scale in which each note is separated from its neighbors by the interval of a whole step.(целотонный)
- The experiment: He's trying to sing 2 whole tones and then 2 semitones. He claims, that it is easier for people to sing the whole tones rather than semitones.
- Just like in story-telling, there are also archetypes - ancient arragements - in tune. They are scales, which help to compose a melody. There are different sets of notes in different cultures, but nevertheless they share a basic concept.
- "mode"-Mode generally refers to a type of scale. Mode makes people to feel different the emotions. There are various events when this or that mode is used to: festivals, birthdays, celebrations, holidays etc. Тональность, лад
- The Aeolian mode sounds solemn and sorrowful.
- " to sharpen the note"- повышать ноту " to flatten the note"-понижать ноту. This is the same as moving one key to the left on a piano keyboard.
- "diatonic"- of, relating to, or being a musical scale (as a major or minor scale) comprising intervals of five whole steps and two half steps. Диатонический
- The ol notes were much more attached that chosen started points. Tne minor scale patterns on changed and fixed. It can start on any of the semitones in Western ladder. The old instruments could only play the certain modes. Major scale is identical to the old Ionian mode, it was rebranded. The new minor and major scales were designed to be compatable with each other. 1. The same arrangement of notes works no matter what note or pitch you started your scale. 2. When the different modes developed, new instruments were produced, that could play together.
- simple melody, moody and pationate part, minor scale turns into major, short and dramatic melody.
- Their music was in Phrygian mode, step by step movements. They are the representatives of "the curse of ninth". The curse of the ninth is a superstition connected with the history of classical music. In essence, it is the belief that a "ninth symphony" is destined to be a composer's last; i.e. that he or she will be "fated" to die after writing it, or before completing a "tenth". To those who give credence to the notion, a composer who produces a ninth symphony has reached a decisive landmark -- and to then embark on a tenth is a challenge to "fate".
- This music is like the music of 16th century. The sound of the mode is associated with the industry which has been in Britain for centuries. It was written in Dorian mode.
- 4: African melodies, melodies of non-conformist religious groups, folk and classical music, jewish folk music.
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