понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.


1)How do you think,is rhythm so important for music?
The music rhythm is the beat. It is the most important element in music. It drives the music forward. It is the gasoline of music. Rhythms can be simple or complicated. Rhythm is the part of music that contracts most immediately and spontaneously without bodies.
2)Where from rhythm is come?
 The first sensation of pulse was of course mother's heartbeat in the room.
3)How can we call speed on Italian?
4)What is it "swing"?
It is a form of American music that developed in the early 1930s and became a distinctive style by 1935. Swing uses a strong rhythm section of double bass and drums as the anchor for a lead section of brass instruments such as trumpets and trombones, woodwinds including saxophones and clarinets, and sometimes stringed instruments such as violin and guitar, medium to fast tempos, and a "lilting" swing time rhythm.

понедельник, 21 мая 2012 г.

How music works.....

Part 1

  • Music is a type of language that transmits ideas through sound patterns. There are many similarities with our spoken languages. Like a sentence, a melody has a beginning, middle, and end. Tunes can act as a bridge between cultures when language fails us, tunes can inspire patrotizm, hope, they can express love, loss.
  • A pentatonic scale is a musical scale with five notes per octave in contrast to a heptatonic (seven note) scale such as the major scale and minor scale. Pentatonic scales are very common and are found all over the world.
  •  The names are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
  • There are 13 notes in the western scale. The number of notes is not the same in different cultures?
  • "pitch" is the particular tonal standard with which given tonesmay be compared in  respect to their relative level. Высота звука.
Part 2 
  • "interval"-An interval is the distance between two notes. Intervals are always counted from the lower note to the higher one, with the lower note being counted as one. Intervals come in different qualities and size. If the notes are sounded successively, it is a melodic interval. If sounded simultaneously, then it is a harmonic interval (интервал, пауза) "semitone"-The letters of the alphabet are separated by tones and semitones.E to F is a semitone. Twice a semitone is a tone.F to G is a tone. The alphabet is not equidistant (полутон) "whole tone"-is a scale in which each note is separated from its neighbors by the interval of a whole step.(целотонный)
  • The experiment: He's trying to sing 2 whole tones and then 2 semitones. He claims, that it is easier for people to sing the whole tones rather than semitones.
  • Just like in story-telling, there are also archetypes - ancient arragements - in tune. They are scales, which help to compose a melody. There are different sets of notes in different cultures, but nevertheless they share a basic concept.
  • "mode"-Mode generally refers to a type of scale. Mode makes people to feel different the emotions. There are various events when this or that mode is used to: festivals, birthdays, celebrations, holidays etc. Тональность, лад
  • The Aeolian mode sounds solemn and sorrowful.
  • " to sharpen the note"- повышать ноту " to flatten the note"-понижать ноту. This is the same as moving one key to the left on a piano keyboard.
Part 3
  • "diatonic"- of, relating to, or being a musical scale (as a major or minor scale) comprising intervals of five whole steps and two half steps. Диатонический
  • The ol notes were much more attached that chosen started points. Tne minor scale patterns on changed and fixed. It can start on any of the semitones in Western ladder. The old instruments could only play the certain modes. Major scale is identical to the old Ionian mode, it was rebranded. The new minor and major scales were designed to be compatable with each other. 1. The same arrangement of notes works no matter what note or pitch you started your scale. 2. When the different modes developed, new instruments were produced, that could play together.
Part 4
  • simple melody, moody and pationate part, minor scale turns into major, short and dramatic melody.
  • Their music was in Phrygian mode, step by step movements. They are the representatives of "the curse of ninth". The curse of the ninth is a superstition connected with the history of classical music. In essence, it is the belief that a "ninth symphony" is destined to be a composer's last; i.e. that he or she will be "fated" to die after writing it, or before completing a "tenth". To those who give credence to the notion, a composer who produces a ninth symphony has reached a decisive landmark -- and to then embark on a tenth is a challenge to "fate".
Part 5
  • This music is like the music of 16th century. The sound of the mode is associated with the industry which has been in Britain for centuries. It was written in Dorian mode.
  • 4: African melodies, melodies of non-conformist religious groups, folk and classical music, jewish folk music.

воскресенье, 20 мая 2012 г.


Artist:John Singer Sargent
Title: The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit
Date: 1882
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 221.93 x 222.57 cm
Country of origin: France
Current location: Museum of Fine Arts in Boston     

The painting depicts four young girls, the daughters of Edward Darley Boit, in their family's Paris apartment. The painting's unusual composition was noted from its earliest viewings, initially its subject was interpreted simply as that of girls at play, but it has subsequently been viewed in more abstract terms, reflecting Freudian analysis and a greater interest in the ambiguities of adolescence. The four Daughters of Edward Darley Boit are, from left to right: Mary Louisa (1874-1945, about 8 years old at the time), Flourennce (1868-1919, about 14 yrs old), Jane (1870-1955, about 12 yrs old), and Julia (1878-1969, about 4 yrs old). None of the girls ever married, and both Flourennce and Jane, the two rear daughters, became to some extent mentally or emotionally disturbed. Mary Louisa and Julia, the front two girls, remained close as they grew older, and Julia, the youngest, became an accomplished painter in water-colors. 
I like this picture, i think that John Singer Sargent is a genius and all his works are really valuable.

The James Cameron Task

1) James Cameron was a bookworm when he was a child. He read science fiction everywhere. I think he wasn't a popular boy at school and he didn't have a lot of friends, maybe just few closed friends who also were deep into study. He was weird in comparison with other students. I believe such people are very interesting but they live in their own world, so it's rather difficult to understant them, their thought.
2) During the 60s humans made a huge progress in developing our civilization, like building spaceships, and explore space and ocean. At that time James Cameron became assured that there are a lot of secret worlds not only in space, but in this planet also, like fascinating alien-like creatures beneath the ocean, and there is no limit to imagination. I am really happy that I am living in the time of modern technologies, where you can freely access to information and learn a lot.
3) Diving and drawing were the most important things for James Cameron when he was young, because he likes the feel of discovery and he could paint whatever he imagine. He was fond of diving also because of the underwater life, unusual creatures.
4) CG and ILM are introdused in that films so they are really good. 
5) James Cameron is fond of these two films. He shot  Thi Titanic because he wanted to dive and see this real sunk ship. To my mind, he likes to imagine more, and after that find some facts, do explorations. As for me I like to imagine mo6re
6) The first lesson is that your team respect you and this fact is more important than money and success from the tram. And the second lesson is that you should not create any limits for yourself, you should do what you want, what you desire, not to fear do impossible things!

понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.


1. How might allowing cameras inside the U.S. Supreme Court chambers affect news coverage of their cases?What might be the pros and cons of video coverage of Supreme Court cases for both viewers and the Supreme Court?-Аllowing video coverage may help to increase people's trust and assurance to the Court, disadvantages of allowing cameras inside the U.S. Supreme Court can be only for judges because it'll be very noisy.

2. According to CNN's Jeffrey Toobin, what issue regarding President Obama's health care law was discussed yesterday in the U.S. Supreme Court? -The issue about The Affordable Care Act was discussed yesterday in the U.S. Supreme Court.
3. According to Toobin, how did the judges appear to react to these arguments? What is your opinion about arguments regarding the timing of the hearing?How do you think that supporters and critics of the health care reform law feel about the timing of the hearing? Judges think that now is the time to deal with the law, now is the time to weigh the constitutionality, as for me, it's the only right way to behave.
4.Who is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church? -POPE BENEDICT XVI
5. How would you describe the tone of the crowd waiting for Pope Benedict XVI in Mexico? -The crowd was very happy. It was amazing how they came to visit the Pope and to hear his message.
6. According to the report, what message did Pope Benedict XVI include in his sermon? - He included the message about the problem with drug trafficking that should be resolved and people should start fighting with it.
7. In your view, what is the significance of a religious leader visiting a country? -To my mind, it is very important for people if a religious leader visits a country, it inspires believers.
8. What technique does Nelson Dellis use for memorization?- Nelson turns numders into pictures and it helps him to memorize their order.
9. What might be the advantages of relying on the memorization technique seen in the program versus other ways of finding information (e.g. Internet searches)? Would you want to learn the memorization technique featured in the report? Why or why not? - I think it is an interesting way for developing your mind, i would like to try it, but it seams to me that it will be very hard.
10.Do you have any unique methods of memorizing information? Explain.- Yes, i have. It is Rote learning, a learning technique which focuses not on understanding but on memorization by means of repetition. For example, if words are to be learned, they may be repeatedly spoken aloud or repeatedly written down.

воскресенье, 11 марта 2012 г.


I really enjoyed our Lesson 4, it was quite interesting to learn new words in such way. Quizlet.com and Piclits.com are tools which help us to create individual sets of vocabulary cards, moreover, we can imagine and create pictures there.

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

New vocabulary items

supplement-an addition made to supply something lacking, or to correct errors
Cereal- a kind of grain used as food
scone- a kind of small, flat cake made of flour and fat
poultry- farmyard birds
tablespoon- a large spoon 
fibre- something like a thread
legume- a plant such as a bean plant that has seeds in a pod
peanut-a type of nut that looks rather like a pea
veggie- a  person who does not eat meat of any kind
intake- the thing or quantity taken it

суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.

Призыв на защиту австралийских коал

23 февраля 2012
Правительство Австралии было вынуждено внести коал в список национальных вымирающих видов. Защитники природы обеспокоены тем, что животное приближается к вымиранию из-за болезней, климатических изменений и потери места обитания.
Репортёр Фил Мерсер

Количество коал в Австралии остается неизвестным, но по оценкам экологов насчитывается около 100000 в дикой природе. Они считают, что популяция продолжает уменьшатся из-за различных угроз, включающих болезнь, которая вызывает слепоту и бесплодие. Строительство домов и дорого также разрушает их среду обитания.

В настоящее время правительство Австралии убеждают объявить коал животными, которые находятся под угрозой исчезновения. Это дало бы федеральным властям силу для защиты этих пушистых сумчатых животных от событий.

Министр по вопросам окружающей среды Тони Берк попросил группу специалистов для получения дополнительной информации, которая точно определит области, где популяции коал находятся в беде. Как ожидают, он примет окончательное решение в течение ближайших нескольких месяцев.
I enjoyed our jorney to http://www.bbc.co.uk/. This website is really useful. Here we can find necessary information, read articles, listen to the radio, watch different videos, learn about the latest sport events. But the biggest advantage of this website is that you can learn english such way. Reading these articles, we learn new words, phrases and grammar. I liked to translate the article without any dictionaries most of all, it was rather hard but interesting!!!

Money laundering

In my opinion, money laundering is a very serious problem nowdays. Punishment for such crime should be serious because money laundering is committed by converting  dirty money into clean money. And this source of money is often earned by illegal means such as kidnapping, drug trafficking, corruption, peoplesmuggling. These crimes can lead to the economic crisis all over the world.

пятница, 24 февраля 2012 г.

The first human clone was created!!! It is really mind-boggling to me to know about it!

Почему зебры полосатые?

10 февраля 2012
Ученые утверждают, что раскрыли тайну того, почему зебры имеют характерные им черные и белые полоски. Исследование, опубликованное в Журнале Экспериментальной Биологии, показало, что полосатый узор делает животных гораздо менее привлекательными для насекомых.
Репортёр Виктория Джилл.
Существовало множество теорий, объясняющих очевидные полоски зебр. Ученые предположили, что у каждой зебры есть уникальный рисунок, который помогает животным распознавать друг друга. Или количество черного и белого в огромном стаде обеспечивает маскировку, которая отдаляет хищников.
Но эта группа решила проверить, какой именно эффект оказывали полоски на самых раздражающих и вездесущих врагов зебры-на кровососущего слепня.
В рамках своего эксперимента группа решила оставить в поле с насекомыми модели липких лошадей-одну белую, другую черную и еще одну черно-белую. Когда они собрали насекомых, которые прилипли к каждой из моделей, они обнаружили, что модель зебры привлекла гораздо меньшее количество насекомых.
Исследователи считают, что предок зебры был с черной окраской,которая в ходе эволюции приобрела белые полосы, в борьбе с насекомыми, которые стали кусающимися переносчиками болезней большинства стад лошадей.

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

Should Sugar Be Regulated like Alcohol and Tobacco?

Should we regulate salt, and eggs, and beef,  and all other foods that could cause any health problems to save taxpayers from healthcare costs? It's just a stupid idea, and should not be something the government can interfere with.